I was born in an army hospital at Ft. Campbell, Kentucky in 1995. I spent time both on military bases in the American South and on my families farm in North central Illinois as an adolescent. I aspired to be a pilot from seeing all the military aircraft on base while growing up. My interests at St. Bede Abbey and Academy evolved to include mathematical science with Bernie Moore’s Algebra class. Bernie Moore served in these United State’s Air Force and his disciplined instructional approach encouraged me to take school seriously. Brother Luke McLachlan, a physics instructor and a former pilot, inspired my desire to learn about the value of mathematics in my every day life. I often pursued flight lessons and extracurricular activities related to the application of mathematics after school where this continued into my collegiate career at Northern Illinois University. When I arrived at Northern Illinois University, I was unsure whether I would continue to pursue my mathematical interests or achieve a baccalaureate in a similar field. My resolve to learn more and attend graduate school intersected with Dr. Maya Mincheva at the University. A wonderful lecturer who influenced and often inspired me to seek new insights in my studies, later becoming my thesis advisor. At the direction of Dr. Mincheva, I became adept at applying differential equations to create a model of a biological system and would present my graduating thesis in Analyzing Multistationarity in a Model of a Dual Phosphorylation Network. Of course, none of these pursuits wouldn’t be possible without my Mother’s exorbitant generosity and loving encouragement.
I am currently employed as a lecturer at South Louisiana Community College. I find it helpful and often beneficial that students past and present are able to access lecture notes for their studies or various resources that are available to them.
Any student looking for tutoring may head over to Academic Success while on campus or schedule a meeting through their handy webpage. It is always best to start often and start early as a student in your studies. Keeping up with class due dates and lectures will set you up for future success.
Any student may receive help with their resume or counseling regarding job prospects. They may find Career Services and their resources extremely helpful. Career services is available to past and present students in their job search.
You may read about scholarship information at the Foundation or learn more about how to donate to our great institution and it’s student population.
I have included the lecture material of various classes that I have taught whilst at South Louisiana Community College for anyone’s viewing. Many of the topics will be similar to what students see across curricula in these United States at the collegiate level of their academic career.
In conjunction with the regular algebra lectures is Supplemental Material regarding topics that might require more explicit examples and explanation.
I have included any material published through my GitHub Repository or any other source of media.
I have included reference material that I have written for the express purpose of not having to rummage through papers later to remember what exactly I have done to learn a subject.
Basic Reference Manual for Docker Commands
Basic Reference Manual for Application Programmer Interfaces
I have direct links to the various open source software projects I have produced or used in the past.
Wrapper for the Eve Online Swagger Interface
Wrapper for the Eve Frontier Swagger Interface
A Static HTML Webpage on Docker with NGINX Proxy
An R Shiny Application as a Webpage on Rocker with NGINX Proxy
A PostgreSQL Database with Initialization Table on Docker with pgAdmin
The direct links here are to my research papers and theses that I have participated in or published.
Analyzing Multistationarity in a Model of a Dual Phosphorylation Network
I am a current and proficient single engine land commercial pilot in various aircraft. Most notably, I have flown Pitts, Bellanca, Piper, and Cessna model aircraft. In essence, I intend to have an e-mail proxy bounce to my personal mail service at some point as a point of contact.